JPG is one of the most recognizable, popular, and comprehensible bitmap image formats.This format appeared as a result of the work of the group of photo experts “Joint Photographic Experts Group”. The main task of this group of developers was to develop an optimal image compression algorithm. Today, this problem has been solved successfully. It is used .jpg most often for processing and storing full-color images with realistic images, where brightness and color transitions are inherently present. Also .jpg format is used for storing and transmitting graphic digital content (photos, scan copies, digitized pictures). It is most convenient for placing and transmitting compressed images over the network, because it takes up little space compared to other formats.
SVG is an image format for 2D vector graphics that supports interactivity and animation. Developed since 1999. Conceived and implemented in order to describe the graphic elements of the site using a programming language. Usually .svg is used in the design of icons, logos and user interface elements for websites. But the scope of this format is much larger. Use it to create graphs and charts, simple infographics, scalable roadmaps, animated images, and more. The resulting elements will be losslessly stretched and compressed depending on the screen size, have a low weight and look great on devices with a high pixel density.